#1 Choice For Physical Therapy in Louisville, KY.

MaNUAL Physical Therapy

We Help Stressed-Out People by offering

Manual Physical Therapy Services In Louisville, KY,


Therapeutic Massage Therapy & Total Body Stretching

manual physical therapy modalities

Are you looking for Massage Therapy or a Massage Therapist in Louisville who can really tackle your aches and pain instead of putting a "band-aid" on them?

If yes, you’ve come to the right place.

You see, at ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness, we emphasize the "ProActive” and “Wellness” components of health.

We get routine eye and teeth check-ups, but why don't we do the same for our physical health? Massage therapy services are an integral part of our practice. As Benjamin Franklin once said...

”An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Our Massage Therapists are backed by our Doctors of Physical Therapy, allowing us to act and solve your aches before they become even more serious.

Our Massage and Recovery Program Is Perfect For You If You:

  • are a busy individual who wants to wake up less achy and sore 
  • want to improve your mental and emotional state 
  • want to improve your flexibility and mobility
  • want to avoid surgery, pain pills, and injections 
  • are an athlete with injuries and tight muscles that are affecting your performance
  • want to get a good night’s sleep

Total Body Stretch

Do you have tight, stiff, and achy muscles and joints?

If so, you have come to the right place.

We can help you.

You see, at ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness, we emphasize the "ProActive" and "Wellness" components of health. We get routine eye and teeth check-ups, but why don't we do the same for our physical health? Our assisted Stretch And Tension Relief Program is integral to our practice.

total body stretching

As Benjamin Franklin once said

”An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Did you know that deficits in muscle and joint flexibility can lead to:

  • Pain and Discomfort
  • Muscle Imbalances
  • Muscle Overcompensation
  • Poor Circulation
  • Lack of Focus and Mental Clarity
  • AND Risk of Future Injuries

So, as you can see, poor flexibility and mobility can ultimately disrupt the quality of life that you deserve.

Who Is The Total Body Stretch Program For?

Do you want to:

  • Alleviate muscle tension and tightness
  • Wake up less achy and sore
  • Improve flexibility and mobility
  • Improve alignment, posture, and balance
  • Improve your overall health

If you answered YES to these questions, you are the perfect candidate for our Assisted Stretch and Tension Relief program.

At ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness, our Specialists work hand in hand with our Doctor of Physical Therapy to ensure your Assisted Stretch And Tension plan is optimized to meet your goals. So, if you are ready to live the life you want and deserve free of constant pain, tension, and soreness, click the button below to speak with one of our Specialists to discuss how we can help you.

Remember, our job isn't to set your goals for you. Our job is to help you achieve them.


Tell Us Where It Hurts...

Click your pain below for a FREE guide to help you return to the activities you love. Maybe you have a loved one you know suffering from a different chronic ache. We are here for them too.