#1 Choice For Physical Therapy in Louisville, KY.

 Physical Therapy Personal Trainers

Challenging the dogma that you need to "slow down" as you age"

Proactive Gym
Proactive Gym
Proactive Gym
  • Are you looking for a gym designed specifically for individuals that are 45+?
  • Tired of going to an OVERRUN commercial gym where people are more worried about taking selfies than working out?
  • Have you been doing the SAME WORKOUT ROUTINE for months (or even years) because you are unsure how to SAFELY progress or change your exercise routine?
  • Maybe you just need ACCOUNTABILITY to help you stay on track of your workout regimen.

If this is you, please know that you are not alone. Many people that we speak to are fed up with the commercial gym and are looking for a gym where:

  • They never have to WAIT FOR EQUIPMENT
  • Have guidance on how to SAFELY PROGRESS their exercise regimen
  • Have ACCOUNTABILITY to ensure that they continue to stay on top of one of the most important things in life.....THEIR HEALTH
  • This gym is exclusively for individuals that are 45+ years of age looking to improve their overall function and longevity.

With that being said we are proud to announce that we will be opening up our 3,000 sq. ft. gym to help individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. 

Each gym session will be scheduled (no more than 2 gym members at a time) to ensure that you can obtain a great workout without waiting for equipment.

Proactive Gym
Proactive Gym
Proactive Gym

No Long Term Commitment | Month-to-Month

What is Included - Silver Membership?

Access to ProActive’s Semi-Private 3,000 sq. ft. Gym

  • Unlimited use of our gym during operating hours

10% Discount on all Physical Therapy, Wellness Services/Modalities and Products

  • Dry Needling
  • Cupping
  • Redlight Therapy Spot Treatment
  • PEMF Sessions
  • 1:1 Personal Training Single Sessions
  • Yoga Classes
  • Custom Orthotics and Pillows

What is Included - Gold Membership?

Access to ProActive’s Semi-Private 3,000 sq. ft. Gym

  • Unlimited use of our gym during operating hours

Unlimited Use of Wellness Modalities
(upon availability)

  • PEMF
  • Massage Chair
  • Redlight Therapy Spot Treatment
  • Unlimited Access To Yoga Classes

Operating hours: 

Monday - Thursday: 7 A.M. - 6 P.M. Friday: 7 A.M. - 12 P.M.

Why Join a Medical Professional Run Gym?

  • This gym is run and owned by Dr. Brandon Evans (Doctor of Physical Therapy). Dr. Evans specializes in helping individuals 45+ stay out of the physician's office and get back to actually LIVING and ENJOYING their life and passions.
  • You will notice that we don’t have a lot of circuit machines because Dr. Evans wanted to build a gym designed specifically for individuals 45+ to help them strengthen their bodies in the functional movement patterns that they perform each and every day. For example, the squat is a movement that everyone performs hundreds of times each day (i.e. every time you sit down and stand back up). There is no machine that can replace doing an actual squat. The same goes for a lunge (getting down to tie your shoe), over head press (putting a box on the top shelf) and a deadlift (picking up your child.grandchild)
  • Most injuries happen because the body was not trained appropriately to carry out the tasks that we have to perform in our everyday lives.
  • The human body is a remarkable machine and if trained and strengthened appropriately, it can last for a long time

Benefits of Functional and Stability Training

  • Reduce the effects of arthritis
  • Strengthens bones to prevent and/or improve osteopenia and osteoporosis
  • Improve balance and coordination
  • Promotes heart health
  • Reduces Stress
  • Improves joint health
  • Increases flexibility and mobility
  • Reduces risk of injury
  • Improves sleep
  • Elevates metabolism
  • Builds muscle and increases strength
  • Keeps you out of the doctor’s office

Set Up

  • During your initial setup, plan to arrive to the gym 10-15 minutes early to complete a waiver form, take a tour of the gym (if you haven’t already) and allow us to answer any and all questions that you may have.
  • After your initial setup you can either call our office or use our booking link to book your gym time (link will be provided to you during your initial setup)
  • To ensure that you never have to wait for equipment, there will be a limit of TWO (2) gym members in the gym at any time
  • Each gym session will be in 60 minutes increments We please ask that you be punctual and finish on time to be respectful to other members and allow them to get there full workout time
  • As long as a booking is available you can book as many sessions as you would like per month

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