#1 Choice For Physical Therapy in Louisville, KY.

Low Back Pain

How To FINALLY Get LOWER BACK PAIN RELIEF Without Surgery, Pain Medication, or Other Costly Procedures

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back pain relief

Enter your details and receive personalized steps to conquer low back pain

Enter your details and receive personalized steps to conquer low back pain

"Help, my lower back is keeping me awake at night. I can’t even bend over to put my shoes on. What Can I do? 

Are you dealing with Low Back Pain and feel like you've tried everything but still can't find relief? Have you been doing everything right - resting, icing, stretching, and doing a bunch of exercises you saw on YouTube – but still have Low Back Pain?

If so, please, read on…

It’s common to think that "resting" and "taking it easy" are simple treatment options that magically make your back problems disappear. I'm here to tell you that, most times, this is far from the truth. Lower back problems typically result from years and years of improper posture, lifting mechanics, and core weakness, eventually leading to pain and discomfort.

Does This Sound Like You?

In our clinic, the story typically goes something like this

"I began experiencing low back pain [X] months ago, and it has only worsened with time. It feels like the pain appeared out of nowhere, as I can't recall any specific injury. My doctor attributed the pain to my age and advised me to take it easy, recommending that I stop exercising and running. I was prescribed pain medication and offered a lower back injection, which provided temporary relief but didn't address the underlying issue.

I'm starting to accept that this might be my new 'normal,' but I feel too young to resign myself to constant pain. I want to avoid surgery and am concerned about the addictive nature of pain medication. All I want is to reclaim my life—be able to walk through the grocery store, exercise, and play with my (grand)children without discomfort."


If this sounds like you, I want you to know that something can be done to provide lasting results other than pain medication, surgery, or injections.

The Truth About Back Pain

Experiencing pain, stiffness, or aches in your lower back? It's easy to assume these issues are minor and will resolve on their own. Many people mistakenly believe that such pain is due to "sleeping in an awkward position," a harmless "spasm" that "everyone" your age experiences, or even a genetic issue because "bad backs run in the family."

If you’re dealing with lower back pain, you're not alone. In fact, it's one of the most prevalent issues we encounter at our physical therapy clinic in Louisville, KY. Don’t let misconceptions prevent you from seeking effective treatment. Explore comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs and start your journey toward relief today.

And when it comes to living with back issues, everybody we see wants to know: 

"Is this something I'm just going to have to live with now?"

Fortunately, the answer to that question is a resounding NO! There is something that can be done to give you Long Term relief from chronic low back pain.

Many individuals visit their MD or a low back specialist, only to be told that their X-rays or MRIs reveal "degenerative disc disease" or a "herniated disc." Often, these findings lead to the assumption that your pain is directly related to these diagnostic results. However, the truth is different.

After age 50, nearly everyone will show signs of degenerative disc disease, which means loss of space between the vertebrae. Additionally, many people have herniated discs without experiencing any symptoms.

Don't let diagnostic imaging alone dictate your treatment. Explore comprehensive approaches to understanding and managing your low back pain effectively.

To be 100% honest with you, more than 70% of "herniated discs" resolve themselves. 

Your MD prescribes pain medication or injections and tells you to return in 3 months. You may get temporary relief, but often, the pain either returns, doesn't get any better, or, in most cases, worsens. This leads to the MD prescribing stronger pain medication or more injections. Now, you get stuck in a perpetual cycle of getting only temporary relief without solving the TRUE cause of the pain.

(Have you ever wondered why you can only have three injections yearly? There is a specific reason for it, but that's a different topic we will save for another day.)

If you are ready to start FINALLY achieving long-lasting relief for your Lower Back, I want to offer you a No Obligation discovery session to determine how ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness can help get you back to being active and healthy.

Ready To Eliminate Pain?

Start By Applying for a Discovery Session

We offer the Discovery Session to people who are very nervous or skeptical about Physical Therapy – unsure of the benefits or if it is right for them. If that sounds like you, please start with one of these discovery sessions so we can work with you to determine what is wrong and what can be done to fix your Low Back Pain.

Back Pain Guide

9 Easy Ways to End Back Pain 

Without Costly Procedures or Dangerous Painkillers

What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness…



“He gave me techniques on how to lift differently, how to hold my wrist which really helped. I think I only 4 sessions and it all went away which is fantastic!”



“I was only off my feet for a week to a week and a half and I slowly started getting back to work…”


“He just wants you to feel better no matter what your goal is whether it’s gardening, walking your dog or doing some power lifting…”