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Dr. Brandon Evans Health Tips

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Cook and Bake Through the Holidays Without Back Pain

Family Baking

It’s amazing how many times we’ve heard recently in the ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness clinic people complaining about suffering from back pain after cooking and baking for hours for the entire family over the holidays….

There you are in the kitchen, already 4 hours in, and you start to work on the next dessert to feed the entire family including the ones from out of town.

You start to lean on one side to reduce the pressure on the other which in turn is causing you some discomfort in your hips. Of course the heaviest pot is in the cabinet closest to the floor and you strain your back just trying to get it out!

You love cooking and baking for your family but you also hate being in pain!

We’re here to tell you, there is ALWAYS something that can be done…

Here at ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness, we want to share a few tips on how you can continue to cook and bake for your family as much as you’d like through the holidays and avoid suffering from pain!

Stay Hydrated

Depending how hot the kitchen may get from all that baking and cooking, you might work up a bit of sweat. Your body already NEEDS water just to function properly, even more so when you begin to perspire. Staying hydrated directly affects how your body performs any activity or task.

Our muscles are made up of 80% water. If you end up cramping or becoming fatigued, that’s your body telling you it doesn’t have enough water or proper nutrition. This too will elevate the pains, aches and cramps you’re experiencing as you remain on your feet and carry around heavy dishes.

Give It A Good Stretch

Before you channel your inner Gordon Ramsey or Rachel Ray, give your body parts a good stretch; that includes your calf, knee, hip and low back muscles. Get in a good stretch before you start your cooking so your muscles are relaxed and ready to tackle the menu.

A simple tip to reduce the amount of pressure placed on your low back and hips is to stagger your feet when standing at the counter. Instead of your feet sitting right next to each other, slightly stagger your feet forward and backward in or place your neutral in a pelvic position to relieve pain!

When you have tight muscles, your body will automatically try to compensate to help you out but it creates abnormal movement patterns which eventually creates improper form and pain.

Don’t Hesitate To Take A Break

More often than not, when we prepare big meals for more people than we’re used to our bodies are going to respond accordingly. We’re not used to demanding activity so our bodies tend to get tired easier.

So if you start to feel tired or fatigued, don’t hesitate to get off your feet a few minutes every now and then throughout the day. Take some time to enjoy the company of your visitors or play a board game while the casserole is in the oven!

Proper Footwear

One of the easiest ways you can help prevent pain of any kind is ensuring that you have the proper shoes on your feet. You’re definitely not going to want to wear high heels as you do laps around the kitchen or stand forever peeling the potatoes. 

If you know you have flat feet, be sure to wear a shoe that has a medial wedge support or if you have high arches, you’ll want a shoe that has more cushion.

In addition to that, get yourself some CUSTOM ORTHOTICS so you know your feet are getting the exact support they need!

And we can help you with that!

ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness’ custom-made orthotics are made for you. We don’t have templates. We aren’t one-size fits all. You are not just a patient or number to us.

Right now you might be wondering…

“Can’t I just go to the store and buy the cheaper orthotics?”

Yes, you can go to the store and buy the cheaper orthotics – along with the glasses that aren’t your prescription, or the over-the-counter medicine that only masks your symptoms.

But here’s why you shouldn’t:

Generic over-the-counter insoles are mass produced, don’t address the underlying cause of pain and discomfort you’re experiencing and are made of inferior materials. Over-the-counter “orthotic” insoles are cheap but the cost to you can be very high.

So Why Is This Important For Me?

At the end of the day, your body is just a big mechanical chain that is all linked together. It’s very important to make deliberate actions as we go throughout our day. If you place too much responsibility on one part of the body, another part of the body isn’t going to grow stronger and work the way it is designed to.

ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness focuses on creating lifestyle modifications by strengthening the body in functional movement patterns that we do day-in and day-out such as getting the heavy pots from the cabinets, cooking the turkey dinner for the family or baking copious amounts of gingerbread cookies!

What Do I Do If My Pain Is Severe?

Would You Like To See A Physical Therapist For Free?

We realize some people want more than just some free health tips… That’s why we offer expert advice about the worry and frustration of life-changing aches and pains – for FREE, in under 45 minutes. 

We call this a Discovery Visit.

Here are just a few of the things you will learn in one of our free Discovery Visit sessions…     

  • What is the underlying cause of your muscle pain? (hopefully nothing too serious!)  
  • Roughly, how long will it take to fix my problem? 
  • What to do to help – which doesn’t include painkillers, injections or surgery etc.   
  • What other, natural, drug-free methods are there to speed up recovery alongside treatment? 

Our Discovery Visits are great for anyone that may be “unsure” if physical therapy is right for them, and they give you the opportunity to ask questions and see for yourself if we can help you.   

We’ve got 5 Discovery Visits available this week. If you would like one of our Discovery Visits, please get in touch with the clinic using the contact details included below, and mention to our ProActive who answers the phone that you would like to see a physical therapist for free.  

We’re Here To Help…   

If you’re in pain and would like to talk to us about getting some help, some specialist advice, or if you are looking for a diagnosis, remember we are always here to help you…. and we’re offering you the chance to have your first session with a physical therapist for FREE.  

If you would like to get one of our limited Discovery Visit slots, please click here to complete our inquiry form or CALL us on 502.512.2165    

P.S. Do you know someone with aches and pains and they’re not sure why or where it’s coming from?    

Who do you know that is always telling you about their aches and pains? We would love to help them live a pain-free life too.     

That person could be someone who you live with, work with, or an extended friend or family member, who is maybe suffering with some kind of ache or pain that we can fix.

Brandon Evans

Brandon Evans

Dr. Brandon Evans is the Founder and Owner of ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness. He received his bachelor's degree from Purdue University and his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Western Kentucky. Dr. Evans has vast experience in outpatient orthopedics, hospital physical therapy, health and wellness, and preventative medicine. Dr. Evans provides peace of mind, reassurance, and hope to people who have previously been told they must live with chronic pain or limitations. His approach focuses on personalized care and empowering patients to take control of their health and well-being through proactive and preventative strategies. Dr. Evans is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their optimal health and enjoy an active, fulfilling life.
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