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Dr. Brandon Evans Health Tips

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Have You Had Enough of Your Plantar Fasciitis?

Foot Pain

Are you tired of experiencing pain in your foot? It is always frustrating to feel like you start your morning on the wrong foot with pain. This is going to give you a little insight into your foot pain and more information about plantar fasciitis.

What is the Plantar Fascia

Very strong tissue that spans the bottom of your foot. This is a key component that helps when you are walking, running, and truly doing most moving activities. It helps to improve the overall stability of your foot. 

How do you know if you have Plantar Fasciitis?

You experience pain at the bottom of your foot typically the first time you take a step in the morning. The feeling can stick around and feel like a dull discomfort or pain. 

What are the Risk Factors for Plantar Fasciitis? 

There are some common denominators that increase your risk for getting plantar fasciitis. These include: having flat feet, high foot arches, obesity, standing for an extended period of time, poor running shoes, lack of supportive shoes, walking bear foot, weak foot musculature. 

Ways to Decrease Pain in Your Foot

One great way is to freeze a water bottle and roll it along the bottom of your foot. You can do this for 10- 15 minutes every 2 hours as needed. Make sure your your foot has returned back to your regular temperature to decrease risk of frost bite. 

Another way is to stretch the tissue before getting up in the morning. You can do this by pulling on your big toe toward the front your leg hold this for 20-30 seconds three times. Check out this video for an overview of plantar fasciitis and to explain these tips. https://youtu.be/-9KJXwkxHcU

BEST Way to Combat Plantar Fascitiis

Why not give your foot the best chance of feeling better and staying that way. The way to do this is a combination of physical therapy and orthotics. Why physical therapy helps is to improve the strength of the supporting structures of your foot. We can ensure your move has enough flexibility and create a plan to help you reach your personal goals and get back to do what you love. 

Orthotics is the second part of the double knock out of this plantar fasciitis. As described in the risk factors high arches and flat feet can be a contributing factor to experiencing plantar fasciitis. The way that orthotics can help specifically custom orthotics can help with supporting the foot with your personal needs. Check out this video that explains how we can prescribe orthotic that is unique as you are. This machine looks at all three of your arches and gives them the support you need. https://youtu.be/p_Cq5CVfGPQ

We can help!

For the most individualized plan to combat that Plantar Fasciitis Pain. Come into ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness for a FREE Plantar Fasciitis Assessment (Valued at $250) by one of our Sciatica experts to find what plan works best for YOU!

Brandon Evans

Brandon Evans

Dr. Brandon Evans is the Founder and Owner of ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness. He received his bachelor's degree from Purdue University and his Doctorate in Physical Therapy from Western Kentucky. Dr. Evans has vast experience in outpatient orthopedics, hospital physical therapy, health and wellness, and preventative medicine. Dr. Evans provides peace of mind, reassurance, and hope to people who have previously been told they must live with chronic pain or limitations. His approach focuses on personalized care and empowering patients to take control of their health and well-being through proactive and preventative strategies. Dr. Evans is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their optimal health and enjoy an active, fulfilling life.
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