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Dr. Brandon Evans Health Tips

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Cook and Bake Through the Holidays Without Back Pain

Cook and Bake Through the Holidays Without Back Pain

It’s amazing how many times we’ve heard recently in the ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness clinic people complaining about suffering from back pain after cooking and baking for hours for the entire family over the holidays…. There you are in the kitchen, already 4 hours in, and you start to work on the next dessert toContinue Reading »

Driving Smart To Avoid Neck Pain

Driving Smart To Avoid Neck Pain

At ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness, we have clients come in all the time with neck and shoulder pain, especially after they’ve been traveling recently and more specifically in the car for hours on hours… How often do you find yourself rubbing your neck while sitting in the driver’s seat after hours into a car ride?  OrContinue Reading »

Health Benefits Of Riding A Bike

Health Benefits Of Riding A Bike

The health benefits of riding a bike are endless.We’ve heard from a lot of people in the clinic, not being able to ride their bike or exercise regularly massively affects their health and overall quality of life. To be fit and healthy you need to be physically active. There’s no other way around it…  Don’t feel likeContinue Reading »

2 Tips To Protect Your Knees And Help Keep You Active

2 Tips To Protect Your Knees And Help Keep You Active

At ProActive Physical Therapy and Wellness, we constantly hear how people want to get back to being active such as going on hikes or playing pickleball but they’re held back because of their excruciating knee pain…. It’s common to hear people in our clinic blame age or genetics for knee pain which in turn causes themContinue Reading »

It’s National Hydration Day!

It’s National Hydration Day!

We’ve been having some incredible weather now that we’re officially into summer but it’s getting HOT! One thing that is often put on the back burner with how busy we all get is STAYING HYDRATED! So today on NATIONAL HYDRATION DAY, watch below as Jordan talks about how drinking the proper amount of H2O daily can helpContinue Reading »

Age Is Just A Number

Age Is Just A Number

At the age of 50, the Lefty who needs no introduction, Phil Mickelson, has done the unthinkable!  Proudly raising the Wanamaker Trophy, Phil earned his 6th major golf title after winning the 103rd PGA Championship. Phil made history Sunday evening at Kiawah Island in South Carolina, becoming the oldest major winner in PGA Tour history. Not only isContinue Reading »

478th Time is the Charm

478th Time is the Charm

This past weekend, Englishman golfer Richard Bland, finally held up his first trophy after 20 years of playing professional golf on the European Tour. Over the last two decades Bland, 48, has started 477 tournaments without one single win… Let that sink in for a minute… Doing something you are so passionate about and you never actuallyContinue Reading »

Practice Smarter, Not Harder

Practice Smarter, Not Harder

As we’ve mentioned before, a proper warm-up is essential for peak performance in any sport. That same mentality is applied to practicing wisely as well. How often have you found yourself the day before a charity scramble event and think, “I better go hit some balls before tomorrow..” Fast forward 24 hours, you’re still shanking yourContinue Reading »

Your Feet Make Your Golf Game Stink

Your Feet Make Your Golf Game Stink

You may not realize it, but during your golf swing, your feet are hard at work. For most golfers, there’s a tendency to lose proper balance during your swing; it may not seem like a big deal but it reduces power and adds shots to your game. The good news is, it doesn’t have toContinue Reading »

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